Dal 21 al 28 dicembre, iTunes Connect sarà chiuso per il periodo natalizio . A comunicarlo è la stessa Apple con una mail inviata agli sviluppatori.
Ecco il contenuto della mail (in lingua inglese) inviata in queste ore agli sviluppatori dell’iOS e del Mac Dev Center:
Dear Spinblog.it,
iTunes Connect will be temporarily shut down from Friday, December 21, 2012 to Friday, December 28, 2012, for the winter holidays. During this shutdown, the following functionality will be unavailable:
- Access to iTunes Connect
- Delivery of any apps or updates
Additionally, the following will be delayed:
- Releases scheduled to appear on the App Store for the first time
- Pricing changes scheduled through the interval pricing system in iTunes Connect
We strongly recommend that you do not schedule any pricing changes in iTunes Connect that would take effect between Friday, December 21, 2012 and Friday, December 28, 2012. Pricing changes scheduled to take effect during this date range will not be reflected on the App Store and your app or In-App Purchase will become unavailable for purchase until after the shutdown.
We also recommend that you do not schedule any apps to go live during the shutdown. Releases scheduled with a start date between Friday, December 21, 2012 and Friday, December 28, 2012 will not go live on the App Store until after the shutdown.
The App Store team
Oltre all’impossibilità di pubblicare e aggiornare applicazioni su App Store, dal 21 al 28 dicembre gli sviluppatori non potranno modificare il prezzo delle proprie applicazioni e programmare la pubblicazione di nuovi software; questo perché l’iTunes Connect non sarà accessibile durante il periodo natalizio.